COVID-19 Information


A Message from Michigan State Youth Soccer Association

Dear Parent/Coach/Student Athlete, 

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) announced that contact sports in the state could resume, as long as teams and athletes follow certain safety measures spelled out in its February 4 epidemic order and the MDHHS Guidance for Athletics (updated 3/20/2021).

Both the epidemic order and the MDHHS Guidance for Athletics require athletes to wear masks during practices and competition for all sports where it is deemed safe to do so. If players cannot wear masks for safety reasons, like in wrestling, participants must be tested for COVID-19 before participating in unmasked activities. MDHHS also encourages testing for contact sports, like basketball and ice hockey, where masks are still required. 

To support student athletes, their families, and our soccer community, we are working to keep this as simple as possible for our club.  We have spoken with the staff at the QuickClinic, which we will utilize for our club’s once a week testing to meet the requirements for the current state order.    There will be no cost associated with the test.   We appreciate your efforts knowing that these minor inconveniences will keep the virus to a minimum and our Soccer Community safe!   Players that are 13 and older should be tested.  If the school they are attending is testing the athlete,  then they won’t need the additional test from our club. 


Player Testing location

QuickClinic Memorial Healthcare

36300 Warren Rd, Westland, MI 48185


Testing Guidelines for 13 and Up Players

1. The Athlete should be tested ONCE a week and we prefer the test occur on Monday or Tuesday as it takes a day for results. This is a RT-PCR test.   They ask that the student have their student id and the parent/guardian have their ID as well. 

2.      Provide to your team manager that you have completed your test.  Please include the Athletes Full Name, Team Name, date and time test completed.  (Each team manager will then send the compiled weekly list to the club.)

3.      Follow the instructions received from testing site to retrieve results.  ( Also, attached.)

4.      If the test results are positive for covid-19, please contact Steve Blanchard  Then begin the athletes self-isolation for 10 days.

5.      Questions, please feel free to contact your team manager, coach or Steve Blanchard at

6.      The current testing period is for two weeks and the first week began April 2nd.   There will be an update should this get extended. 

Positive and Negative Results

Athletes that test negative can continue with practice or competition.

·         Anyone that tests positive will need to self-isolate for 10 days from the test results date.   

·         Athletes who have recovered from confirmed COVID-19 in the past three months and remain symptom-free may participate in athletics without testing if they can provide a letter from their doctor attesting that they fall into this categoryAny athlete that has symptoms of COVID-19 at any time should stay home and not attend practice or competition.

COVID-19 Testing Participation

  • You can choose not to participate in COVID-19 testing. However, without participating in testing, your athlete will not be able to practice or compete in play.

If you do wish to participate in COVID-19 testing, please sign and return the attached Code of Conduct and Consent Form to your coach, who in turn will provide them to the club.

COVID-19 testing is just one of many ways we our working to help keep student athletes, coaches, and families safe from the virus. Our WWSL Club is also requiring masks to be worn whenever possible, screening for symptoms before practice or play, cleaning often, capping the number of spectators at practices and competitions.

The health and safety of our student athletes, their families, and our entire community is important to us. We are excited to offer free COVID-19 testing as one extra layer of safety for our sport. Thank you for your continued support of your student athlete and our soccer community!


If you have additional questions about COVID-19 safety measures, please contact Steve Blanchard –    

If you have additional questions about the MI Safer Sports testing program, please visit

 We Thank You for your continued support! 

Wayne Westland Soccer League Board